Metadata Summary: Babcock/Webb Wildlife Management Area
Dataset Type: Monitoring/Sampling Data
Name of Data Source: Babcock/Webb Wildlife Management Area
Number of Water Resources Sampled: 17
Datasource Abbreviation (dataset): FWC_BABCOCKWEBB_HYDRO
Description of Datasource: Surrounded by residential development, citrus groves, and improved pasture, the Babcock/Webb WMA is an undeveloped expanse of hydric (wet) pine flatwoods in Charlotte County
Method of Transferring Data to the Atlas:
How Often Data is Transferred to the Atlas: Quarterly
Data Current on Atlas as of: 1/20/2025 5:00:27 AM
Period of Record Within the Atlas: 8/22/2011 - 12/27/2023 11:24:00 AM
Disclaimer/Use Constraints:
Not Available
Custodian Information:
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Babcock/Webb Wildlife Management Area
Contact Name: Mike Kemmerer
Contact Phone: (863) 661-3370
Contact E-mail:
Contact URL: