This dashboard measures the most current water quality data against water quality standards for Chlorophyll a, Phosphorus, Nitrogen, E. coli bacteria, and Secchi Depth water clarity (separated by fresh and marine water quality standards outlined in Florida Administrative Code 62-302).
It provides a snapshot of how a waterbody is doing, with the colors on the dials representing the current state of the water quality based on the last data point reported with green meaning good condition, yellow meaning fair as water quality is approaching unsafe threshold, and red meaning poor as the water is above the safety threshold.
For additional water quality data and more detailed analysis of a specific lake, river or bay visit the home page of the Water Atlas.
The results displayed on the Dashboard are for information only and have no regulatory authority.
They are not an assessment of waterbody impairment, which is done solely by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, which continually
collects and assesses water quality and biological data statewide to determine water quality and ecosystem impairment (
Usage notes: Zoom in completely on the desired waterbody before selecting to ensure the correct waterbody is selected. If you have trouble viewing dials or latest values, refresh the page and re-select the desired waterbody.