Cape Coral gives nod to loan program option
CAPE CORAL – Canalfront property owners who suffered seawall damage due to Hurricane Irma may get another funding option to help pay for repairs.
Numerous Cape Coral residents attending Monday's Cape Coral City Council meeting spoke during public comment about the problems they were having with collapsed seawalls and the high cost of repair. They want to know what, if anything, the city could do to assist.
The solution could come from a measure approved by the Council to establish a loan program option for people who need seawall help, or some have other qualifying need.
The seawall situation is a serious one since, if one wall goes, there is a risk of others collapsing if nothing is done. Repair costs are expensive, with many attending Monday's meeting saying they are unable to afford to pay thousands of dollars out-of-pocket for rebuilds that insurance will most likely not cover.
Ronda Schwerdtfeger, a resident who lost both her seawall and roof during Hurricane Irma, said insurance will pay for the roof after the 2 percent deductible, but not the seawall.