Water-Related News

Army corps of engineers posts algae warning signs on Caloosahatchee

We discovered algae warning signs direct the public to contacts that don’t exist. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers told us it was responsible after we contacted them.

Algae signs have been posted at the W.P. Franklin Lock and Dam on the Caloosahatchee River, directing the public to a non-existent website and phone number, the army corps confirmed Monday.

The army corps of engineers confirmed it directed a ranger at the lock to put up the signs and explained the website and phone number are placeholders until permanent signs are ready.

We asked Dr. Mike Parson, FGCU professor and member of the governor’s Blue-Green Algae Task Force, if there is any recent discovery near the lock.

“I have not heard of anything in the last couple weeks near the Franklin Lock,” Parson said. “But it’s been there periodically on and off through the year so far.”