Water-Related News

Fort Myers Beach capital plan includes mooring field expansion

Local Planning Agency approves five-year $18M capital plan

The Town of Fort Myers Beach Local Planning Agency (LPA) approved a five-year capital improvement plan presented to them this month with more than $18 million in projects as presented by town planner Jason Green. The projects range from those the town council has begun work on to those the council would still need to take action.

More than $16 million of the funding has been identified as unfunded while more than $2 million has funding that has been set aside, according to the plan.

The funded projects include more than $800,000 from town impact fees for sidewalk construction work downtown, $360,000 from a grant for a light at the intersection of Old San Carlos Boulevard and Estero Boulevard, and $255,000 for the design and construction of Bay Oaks ball field lights.

The funded part of the plan also includes $120,600 for an additional 19 mooring systems at the town's mooring field from general revenue. The town board has approved spending $87,000 with Bonita Springs-based Coastal Engineering Consultants for mooring field replacement.