Water Resource:
Choose a water resource, if known
Alfred, Lake
Alligator Branch
Alligator Creek (2030A)
Alligator Creek (2074)
Alligator Creek (North Fork)
Alligator Creek (North Prong)
Alligator Creek (Tidal Segment) (2030)
Alligator Creek (Tidal Segment) (2074B)
Alligator Lake
Anglers Lake
Annie, Lake
Apollo Waterway
Ariana, Lake
Arietta, Lake
Ashton, Lake
Audubon Rookery Pond
Avalon Preserve
Banana Lake
Banana Lake Canal
Beach Walk
Bear Branch (1631)
Bear Branch (1948)
Bear Branch (2094)
Bear Branch @ Us 98
Bedman Creek
Bee Branch
Bentley, Lake
Bess, Lake
Big Slough Canal (Potable Portion)
Big Slough Canal (Tidal)
Bill Rose Pond
Billy Creek
Billy Creek (Marine Segment)
Blackburn Canal
Blue Lake (Highland Park)
Blue, Lake (Winter Haven)
Blueridge Waterway
Bobcat Creek
Boggess Hole
Boggy Branch (1622D)
Boggy Branch (1722)
Boggy Branch (Lake Garfield Outlet)
Boggy Creek
Bonny, Lake (Lakeland)
Bowlegs Creek
Bowlegs Creek Above Boggy Creek
Bowling Green Run
Brandy Branch
Bridge Town (97.1)
Bridge Town (97.2)
Bridge Town (97.3)
Broadmoor Pond 1
Broadmoor Pond 2
Brown, Lake
Brush Lake Outlet
Brush, Lake
Brushy Creek
Buck Creek
Buckeye, Lake
Buckhorn Creek
Bud Slough
Buffum, Lake
Burnt Store Marina
Bush Pond
Butler, Lake
Buzzard Roost Branch
C-19 Canal
Caloosa Creek
Caloosa Yacht & Racquet Club (1)
Caloosa Yacht & Racquet Club (3)
Caloosahatchee River
Camp Lake
Candlewood Lake
Cannon, Lake
Cape Coral (Tidal Segment)
Cape Coral (West)
Cape Coral Canals
Captiva Island
Care Free
Carrell Canal
Casa de Meadows Lake
Catfish Creek Bayou
Chapel Creek/Bayshore Creek
Chapel Creek/Bayshore Creek (Marine Segments)
Charlie Creek
Charlotte Harbor
Chilton, Lake
Citrus, Lake
Clam Bayou
Cleveland Cemetery Ditch
Coconut Creek (95.R)
Coconut Creek (95.T)
Cocoplum Waterway Tributary
Coker Creek
Confusion, Lake
Conine, Lake
Convention Center Pond
Coons Bay Branch
Coral Creek (East Branch)
Coral Creek (West Branch)
Corkscrew Woodland
County Line Creek
Cow Pen Slough
Cow Slough
Crago, Lake
Crown Colony
Crown Colony (1)
Crystal Lake
Crystal Lake (Lakeland)
Cummings, Lake
Curry Creek
Curry Creek (Tidal Portion)
Cypress Branch (1915)
Cypress Branch (3235G)
Cypress Creek
Cypress Slough
Daisy, Lake
Daughtrey Creek
Deep Lagoon Canal
Deer Prairie Creek
Deer Prairie Slough
Deer, Lake (Winter Haven)
Dexter, Lake
Dinner Lake (Winter Haven)
Direct Runoff to Bay (2066)
Direct Runoff to Bay (2072)
Direct Runoff to Bay (2077)
Direct Runoff to Bay (2081)
Direct Runoff To Bay (2087)
Direct Runoff to Bay (2088)
Direct Runoff to Bay (2091)
Direct Runoff To Bay (2092A)
Direct Runoff to Bay (2093)
Direct Runoff to Stream (2061)
Doe Branch
Dog Canal
Don Pedro Island
Dona Bay
Donut, Lake
Eagle Lake
Eagle Lake Outlet
East Branch Troublesome Creek
East Cocoplum Waterway
East Drainage Waterway
East Rock Lake (East)
East Rock Lake (West)
Echo, Lake
Effie, Lake
Elbert, Lake
Elder Branch
Eloise, Lake
Engle Lake
Englewood Coastal Drainage
Estero Bay
Estero Bay Wetlands
Estero River
Eva, Lake (Haines City)
Fannie, Lake
Fiddlesticks Canal
Fish Branch
Fish Camp Drain
Fivemile Gully
Flaghole Canal
Flopbuck Creek
Florence, Lake
Ford Street Canal
Forked Creek
Fort Meade Lakes
Fort Simmons Branch
Fox Creek
Fred Geist
Gadau Lake
Gannet Slough
Garfield, Lake
Gaskin Branch
Gasparilla Island
Gate Lake
Gateway Communities (90.1)
Gateway Communities (90.4)
Gateway Communities (90.5)
Gateway Communities (90.83)
Gator Lake
Gator Slough Canal
Gem, Lake
George, Lake (Winter Haven)
Gibson, Lake
Gilchrest Drain
Gilshey Branch
Gladiolus Preserve
Goldfish Creek
Goodno Canal
Gordon, Lake
Gordon, Lake (Alturas)
Gordon, Southwest Lake (Alturas)
Gottfried Creek
Grass Lake (Winter Haven)
Grassy Lake
Griffin, Lake
Gulf Harbor (1)
Gulf Harbor (3)
Gulf Harbor (4)
Gulf Harbor (6)
Gulf Harbor (7)
Gulf Harbor (8)
Gulf Pines, Lake
Gulf Shores West, Lake
Gulf Shores, Lake
Gum Lake
Gum Swamp Branch
H Canal
Haines, Lake
Halfway Creek
Hamilton, Lake
Hampton Branch
Hancock Creek
Hancock, Lake
Hart, Lake (Winter Haven)
Hartridge, Lake
Hatchett Creek
Hatchett Creek (Tidal)
Hawthorne (99.1)
Hawthorne (99.4)
Hawthorne (99.6)
Hawthorne (99.8)
Hawthorne Creek
Hendry Creek
Hendry Creek Estuary Region
Henry, Lake (Haines City)
Heritage Cove (83.2)
Heritage Cove (83.4)
Heritage Cove (83.5)
Heritage Cove (83.6)
Heritage Palm (2)
Heritage Palm (3)
Heritage Palm (4)
Heron Lakes Pond P28-80
Hester, Lake
Hickey Branch
Hickey Creek
Hickory Branch
Hickory Creek
Hog Bay
Hog Branch (1814)
Hog Branch (2093A)
Hog Lake
Hog Lake Outlet
Hollingsworth, Lake
Holloway, Lake
Honey Run
Horney, Lake
Horse Creek
Horseshoe Hermosa Canals
Howard Creek
Howard, Lake
Huckaby Creek
Hugh Heiler Pond
Idyl, Lake
Idylwild, Lake
Imperial River
Imperial River (Marine Segment)
Imperial River Estuary Region
Ina, Lake
Indian Creek
Indian Mound Drain
Intracoastal Waterway (ICWW)
Island Preserve
Jacks Branch
Jackson Branch
Jessie, Lake
Joe, Lake
John, Lake
Johnson Creek
Joshua Creek
Kehl Canal
King Pond
L Canal
Lady Finger, Lake
Lagoon Waterway
Lake Ariana Drain
Lake Awesome
Lake Belle
Lake Blue
Lake Buffum Drain
Lake Dale Branch
Lake Effie Outlet
Lake Gumbo
Lake Hamilton Canal
Lake Hamilton Drain
Lake Hamilton Outlet
Lake Hancock Drain
Lake Hancock Outlet
Lake Hicpochee
Lake Ida (Winter Haven)
Lake Lena Run
Lake Lulu Outlet
Lake Lulu Run
Lake Mcleod Outlet
Lake Myakka Drain (Lower Segment)
Lake Myakka Drain (Upper Segment)
Lake Myrtle Outlet
Lake Slough
Lee Branch
Lee, Lake (N Of Waverly)
Leisure Time Park in Bonita
Leitner Creek
Lemon Creek
Lena, Lake
Lettis Creek
Limestone Creek
Linda Ponader Pond
Link Lake Outlet
Link, Lake
Little Alligator Creek
Little Banana Lake
Little Charlie Bowlegs
Little Charlie Creek
Little Gasparilla Island
Little Lake Hamilton
Little Murex, Lake
Little Payne Creek
Little Salt Creek
Little Salt Spring
Lizzie Lake
Long Creek
Long Hammock Creek
Lower Bee Branch
Lower Lemon Bay
Lower Myakka Lake
Lower Tidal Caloosahatchee River
Lucerne, Lake
Lulu, Lake
Lyons Bay
Lyons Bay Canals
Mabel, Lake
Manasota Key
Manchester Way
Mangrove Point Canal
Manuel Branch
Maple Creek
Mare Branch
Mariam, Lake
Marianna, Lake (Sanitary)
Martha, Lake
Matlacha Pass
Maude, Lake
Max Branch
May, Lake
Mcbride Slough
Mccullough Creek
McGregor Woodland
Mcleod, Lake
Meadow Brook Lakes
Menzie, Lake
Middle Lake Hamilton
Middle Tidal Caloosahatchee River
Millsite Lake
Mined Area (1616)
Mined Area (1738)
Mineral Branch
Mirror, Lake (Lakeland)
Mirror, Lake (Winter Haven)
Morton, Lake
Mossy Island Slough
Mound Creek
Mountain Lake (N Of Lake Wales)
Mud Lake Slough
Mule Island Ditches
Mullock Creek
Mullock Creek (Marine Segment)
Murex, Lake
Myakka Cutoff (Eastern Portion)
Myakka Cutoff (Western Portion)
Myakka River
Myakka River (Tidal Segment)
Myakka River at Myakka River State Park
Myakka River Below Blackburn Bridge
Myrtle Slough
Myrtle Slough (2054)
Ned Lake
New London Waterway
North Bear Branch
North New Castle Waterway
Oak Creek (1873)
Oak Creek (1897)
Oak Creek (3258F)
Oak Hill Branch
Ogleby Creek
Okaloacoochee Branch
Okeechobee, Lake
Old Town Creek
Olga Creek
Olive Branch
Orange River
Osborn Branch
Otis, Lake
Otter Creek
Owen Branch
Owen Creek
Owl Creek
Oyster Creek
Padgett Ranch Canal / Turkey Creek
Palm Creek
Palm Island
Pansy, Lake
Parker Branch
Parker Lakes
Parker Lakes (Enclave)
Parker, Lake (Lakeland)
Parker, Lake (W Of Lake Wales)
Payne Creek
Peace Creek Drainage Canal
Peace Creek Tributary Canal
Peace River
Peace River Estuary (Upper Segment North)
Pelican Landing
Pelican Preserve
Pelican Preserve (7)
Peppertree Point
Peppertree Point (3)
Pine Island
Pine Island Cove
Pine Island Sound
Pirate Canal
Plunder Branch
Pollywog Creek
Popash Creek
Port Charlotte Canal System
Powell Creek
Prairie Creek
Punch Gully
Punta Gorda Isles
Rattlesnake Lake
Reclaimed Mine Cut Lake
Reeves Lake
Ring, Lake
River Forest
River Lake
Roberts Bay
Roberts Canal
Rochelle, Lake
Rock Creek (2045)
Rock Creek (2052)
Rose Garden Pond
Roseate, Lake
Rosemary Canal
Roy, Lake
Royal Coach Village
Royal Tee Country Club (87.1)
Royal Tee Country Club (87.2)
Ruby, Lake
Runoff To Peace River
Ruttenberg Park
S-4 Basin
Saddle Creek
Saddle Creek Below Lake Hancock
Saddle Creek Lakes
Salt Creek
Salt Creek Tidal
Sam Knight Creek
San Carlos Bay
Sand Branch
Sand Gully
Sand Slough
Sandy Gully
Sanibel Canal System
Sanibel Slough East (Sanibel River East)
Sanibel Slough West (Sanibel River West)
Sanibel View
Sardis Branch
Schumacher, Lake
Sears Lake
Shakett Creek
Shell Creek
Shell Creek Reservoir
Shiney Town Slough
Shipp, Lake
Shirttail Branch
Shoemaker and Zapato Canals
Silver, Lake (Winter Haven)
Sink Branch
Six Mile Cypress Slough
Smart, Lake
Snover Waterway Canal
Somerset, Lake
South Cocoplum Waterway
Southpoint South
Spirit Lake
Spring Creek
Spring Creek (Marine Segment)
Spring Creek Estuary Region
Spring Lake
Stahl, Lake
Starr, Lake (South Of Waverly)
Stone Bridge (1)
Stone Bridge (2)
Stroud Creek
Summit, Lake
Sunrise Waterways
Surveyors Lake
Surveyors Lake Drain
Swan Lake
Swoope, Lake
Tatum Sawgrass Slough
Taylor Creek
Telegraph Creek
Telegraph Swamp
Ten Mile Canal
Tenoroc Drain
Tenoroc, Lake
Terrie Pond
The Dunes Community Stormwater Lakes
The Gulf
The Harborage (East)
The Harborage (West)
The Lakes Park
The Landing
Thomas Lake (Winter Haven)
Thompson Branch
Thornton Branch
Tidal Alligator Creek (North Fork)
Tidal Creek to Lower Peace River
Tidal Estero River
Tidal Myakka River
Tidal Peace River
Tidal Shell Creek
Town and River
Townsend Canal
Tracy, Lake
Trailer Park Canal
Tributary To Little Payne
Tributary to Shakett Creek
Troublesome Creek
Trout Creek
Twin Isles Country Club - Pond 2
Twin Isles Country Club - Pond 3
Twin Isles Country Club - Pond 4
Twin Isles Country Club - Pond 5
Twin Isles Country Club - Pond 6
Twin Isles Country Club - Pond 7
Twin Lakes
Unnamed Branch (1852)
Unnamed Branch (1854)
Unnamed Branch (1974)
Unnamed Creek (1867)
Unnamed Creek (1998)
Unnamed Creek (2006)
Unnamed Creek (2007)
Unnamed Creek (2011)
Unnamed Creek (2019)
Unnamed Creek (2022)
Unnamed Creek (2029)
Unnamed Creek (2031)
Unnamed Creek (2034)
Unnamed Creek (2036)
Unnamed Creek (2037)
Unnamed Creek (2038)
Unnamed Ditch (1815)
Unnamed Ditch (1918)
Unnamed Ditch (1960)
Unnamed Ditch (2004)
Unnamed Ditch (2024)
Unnamed Ditch (2057)
Unnamed Ditch (2058)
Unnamed Ditch System (2012)
Unnamed Ditch System (2013)
Unnamed Ditches (1602)
Unnamed Ditches (1808)
Unnamed Ditches (2003)
Unnamed Drain (1545)
Unnamed Drain (1735)
Unnamed Drain (1946)
Unnamed Drain (1987)
Unnamed Drain (1999)
Unnamed Run (1759)
Unnamed Run (1764)
Unnamed Run (1775)
Unnamed Run (1799)
Unnamed Run (1805)
Unnamed Run (1905)
Unnamed Slough (1608)
Unnamed Slough (1986)
Unnamed Stream (1884)
Unnamed Stream (1957)
Upper Bee Branch
Upper Corkscrew Marsh
Upper Lemon Bay
Upper Myakka Lake
Upper Tidal Caloosahatchee River
Venice Gardens Lake
Venus Lake
Venus, Lake
Wahneta Farms Drainage Canal
Walker Branch
Warm Mineral Springs
West Fork Horse Creek
West Rock Lake
West Wales Drainage Canal
Whidden Creek
Whidden Creek (2079)
Whiskey (Wyoua) Creek
Whistler, Lake
Wildcat Slough
Winegourd Creek
Wingate (Johnson) Creek
Winkler Canal
Winterset, Lake
Woodmere Creek
Woodmere, Lake
Wyldewood Lakes (1)
Wyldewood Lakes (2)
Wyldewood Lakes (3)
Yellow Fever Canals
Yellow Fever Creek
Young Creek
Yucca Flat Woods
Yucca Pen Creek
Yucca Pen Creek (Marine Segment)
Choose the specific water resource shown in the photo, if applicable. If necessary, add additional information about the water resource in the Description field below.