Spatial Library

Search through our library of water resource related documents by using the form below. To search by map location alone, leave the keyword search box empty and zoom/pan the map.

How to Use the Spatial Library

The Water Atlas Spatial Library lets you search for entries by a combination of keyword and geographic location. Enter a keyword or the name of a water resource and the search results will be displayed in a list and on a map. Use the tabs to filter results by type and the map to filter by location.

The map display has markers for those entries that have geographic tags. Changing the extent of the map (i.e. panning or zooming in/out) causes a corresponding change in the results list. The "Mapped" tab lets you view library entries of all types that fall within the current map extent, while the "All" tab can be used to see every entry, regardless of its type or location, including those entries that do not have geographic tags.

No mapped results were found, please change your search options and try again.
  • Documents,
    Websites, Videos
  • People,
  • Case Studies,
    Oral Histories
  • Mixed
